High School American Sign Language – Year 3
This course is a continuation of ASL Year 2 course designed to further develop expressive and receptive skills, grammar, vocabulary, cultural awareness, and related terminology. We will be using the textbook Signing Naturally Units 7-12 (2014 edition) and cover units 7, 8, and 9 which is designed to provide ASL students with the skills to communicate in a wider array of situations, to further develop their ASL fluency, and to advance their level of comprehension of ASL in culturally appropriate ways.
Signing Naturally Units 7-12 is the second book of Signing Naturally series and a continuation of Units 1-6 in the Signing Naturally series. Units 7-12 comprise several kinds of lessons: functional, skill building, comprehension, cultural, and review. The variety of lessons and activities are designed to help the language classroom and the language program meet the 5 areas of C’s recommended by ACTFL.
Prerequisite: ASL 2 or permission from the instructor
Textbook: Signing Naturally: Student Workbook, Units 7-12 (2014 Edition, white cover)(Book & DVD), 1581212216 or ISBN-13: 978-1581212211.
Instructor: Karen A
Minimum enrollment requirement: 5
Course Length: 50 mins per week /12 weeks / Fall semester
Cost: TBD